At the heart of each project is the customer, with their own needs: the experience gained on the market allows us to support Large Companies in the most complex projects and to allow SMEs to benefit from digital technology and the advantages derived from this.
A dedicated technical team will provide long term support to the customer during the learning phase and use of the solution, through a careful analysis of objectives, environmental context, organizational system and will provide complete training for workers and managers.

It is the preliminary activity of each project, in this phase we collect and analyze the information so as to make proposals aimed at the needs of our customers.
We support RSPP in risk and process assessment, to help identify any critical issues and areas for improvement.
We take into account a number of factors, including organisational, environmental, human, technological and economic, in order to formulate the most suitable solution in each context.
We define the objectives and the project plan.

We are committed to creating simple and practical solutions, so that they can be easily used so that company processes are effective. We always provide the dedicated support and the necessary information: it is important that workers know the tools and know how to use them, under normal or emergency conditions.
In addition, studies show that isolated workers have a greater perception of risk, which can induce insecurity and anxiety. Therefore, the training and knowledge of the tools serves to give them security, positively affecting the welfare status of the worker.
Strong attention is given to the training of those responsible for taking charge of an emergency. We establish with the customer how to train, remotely or in the classroom.

The satisfaction of all customers is at the centre of attention, providing dedicated contact channels, supporting them day after day in the use of the adopted solution.
Our qualified staff is always ready to answer any queries about using the system and to solve from small configuration problems to any anomalies.
In case of hardware failures of the equipment, we offer the repair service including restoration of configurations so that the worker can be immediately operational.

We suggest that you periodically carry out (at least every 12 months) a verification of the correct functioning of the devices as for PPE. Regular maintenance and periodic inspections ensure the efficiency of the entire system. Some of the activities carried out by our qualified staff:
- verification of external parts and state of wear and tear
- verifying functionality
- verification of alarm reports
- verification of communications
- localization verification
- verification of the entire system and process
- updating training of staff using devices
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