A prestigious Pharmaceutical Research Centre in Pomezia, has this kind of uncomfortable scenario.
We met Simona Carraro, HSE Manager: “Throughout the day, the risk of working alone often happens, with which we have up to now, faced with a dedicated procedure, but without being able to guarantee real-time communication with workers due to some areas without a signal. Over a period of time, we have assessed infrastructure projects, but they were too demanding, expensive and not fully reliable.”
We then presented to customers the new LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) technology, which is derived from the expansion of the IoT world for high-efficiency wireless communications.
In fact, a LoRaWAN gateway guarantees long-range and low-frequency coverage, up to a few kilometers in open spaces, with the ability to communicate with devices in the field even in the case of infrastructure barriers.
This type of wireless backbone (LoRaWAN) allows the Operations Centre to continuously monitor in real time, the condition of workers equipped with SafeMan a complete device for the protection of workers:
- easy to wear, compact in size, can be attached to a belt
- equipped with an advanced Man Down sensor for the automatic recognition of a critical condition of the operator according to his behavior (immobilized body, backlash, fall to the ground, etc.)
- the emergency button allows the generation of manual alarms (e.g. while witnessing a dangerous situation)
- able to carry out GPS tracking and GSM triangulation, with the option for indoor
- reliable transmission on redundant communication channels (WiFi, GPRS-3G-4G-LTE, LoRaWAN).
Simona Carraro concludes, “The testing period has fully satisfied us. The SafeMan solution on LoRaWAN guarantees us excellent coverage of the plant; we have in a short time extended their satisfaction to all operators. The technical support provided, has allowed us to implement the technology quickly, giving immediate reliability and results.”